
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Fuji X100V in the East Village: July Photowalk

Fuji X100V in the East Village: July Photowalk

Well, it’s been a while.

First, an explanation of my absence for the few of you who might care. :)

This site was always a thing of passion for me. I swung from article to article like monkey bars with the momentum of honest excitement carrying me through. But somewhere along the line, I lost my spark.

I focused on work, on business, on building my company –– and that was a smart move, because I was just steeled enough to survive the pandemic when things got bad. But it meant that I wasn’t playing with my cameras much. I wasn’t keeping up with the news, or the firmware updates, and I hadn’t taken a photo for fun in almost a year.

Then, inexplicably, I started catching the light again.


I’m in New York for the summer and chose to leave all of my gear back in Los Angeles for an easier flight. On walks and rides I’d begin to notice the haze, the specularity, the color, the heaviness, the movement of light and shadow. More and more I’d think to myself that it was a shame I didn’t have my camera around.

This morning, I couldn’t get over the agitating gnaw of creative impulse, so I checked craigslist for a Fuji X100V on a whim.

Twelve hours later, a thousand dollars poorer, here we are.

Look – I’m not a brand loyalist. I’m not a commodity fetishist. But damn, Fuji camera really make me feel things. The form factor, the sensor, the lens… it’s the kind of perfect marriage you can’t find anywhere else.

I should flag that all of these images are straight out of camera. What you see is what you get. All shot without much thought or precision. If something caught my eye, I went for it.

As yet another portend of the climate catastrophe rolled through Manhattan (this time, a wildfire sun and toxic air drifting all the way from Portland), the city glowed red all day. Best practice would’ve been to stay inside with the windows shut, but hey – I just got a new camera!

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Let me tell you – this camera is next level. I didn’t have too much time to play around today, so I’m definitely not doing it justice, but I’ve scattered a few day-one images from today as a proof of concept. Check back soon for a full review.

Fuji X-Pro 2 & Fuji 16mm f/1.4 in Harlem: January Photowalk

Fuji X-Pro 2 & Fuji 16mm f/1.4 in Harlem: January Photowalk