Best Fuji Camera Bodies: 2018 Comparison Buying Guide
Fuji's camera line-up can seem expansive and confusing, but don't worry – here's how to find the Fuji perfect camera for you in 2018.
Maybe it was the form factor that got you. Maybe it was the top-of-the-industry lens options. Maybe it was the unique look and feel of the images. But you're investigating which Fuji body to buy, so – welcome!
There's never been a better time to jump in to the Fuji ecosystem.
Best Fuji Camera for Video:
4K in 30p? Check. 120fps at 1080p? Check. Flat color profile? Check check check.
On top of all that, the X-H1 is the only Fuji camera with 3 to 5-axis image stabilization (depending on the lens), meaning you can comfortably hand-hold this camera during filming without ruining your footage with hand shakes or walking.
This alone really can't be understated, and it's reason enough to make it the top choice for your Fuji video camera. But it also shoots at a maximum bitrate of 200Mbps and supports internal f-log recording.
If video capability is your top priority and you prefer to shoot without a gimbal or in low light, this is the camera for you.
The X-T3 is Fuji’s latest offering, and the advantages over the X-H1 are significant: 10-bit recording (64 times more color depth than the XT-2, FYI), 4K at 60FPS up to 400Mbs.
But while the XT-3 has a better feature set, it doesn’t have image stabilization – and Fuji lenses with OIS are hard to come by. In other words, you’ll always need a gimbal with this one. Also note that there’s slightly more crop at 4K compared the X-H1 (1.18x compared to the X-H1's 1.17x)…
But don't get it wrong – this is a fantastic camera. It can outmatch the video quality and autofocus of the X-H1 – it's just slightly less convenient. But it's also lighter, smaller, and more portable, which is ideal for a versatile video and still camera intended to be by your side as often as possible.
If video capabilities are important to you and you don’t mind relying on a gimbal, this is the camera for you.
Best Fuji Camera for Image Quality:
Ok, this isn't your every day camera. But for what it is, it's surprisingly well-priced – and in terms of sheer image quality, this camera is unbeatable by almost any other consumer camera in production.
The Fuji GFX 50S is currently the only medium format camera in the Fuji line up – which makes sense, considering how niche it is. It has it's own lens mount, which means you'll need to invest in specialty medium-format Fuji lenses if you pick this beast up. It's also the largest and most unwieldy Fuji camera. Form factor wise, it's like a chunkier DSLR.
But the photographers who use the Fuji GFX 50S aren't concerned with an extra few pounds of weight, or a new lens system. Photographers who are willing to invest thousands into this camera are rewarded with mind-blowing detail, image resolving, color rendering, dynamic range, and oh – the ISO performance is otherworldly.
If image quality is your top priority and you've got money to invest, this is the camera for you.
It's true, the X-T2 and the X-Pro 2 could be in this spot for image quality interchangeably – after all, most recent Fuji bodies share the same sensor – but the subtleties of this camera make it a formidable stills camera.
You can read a full review here, but here's what you need to know: Fuji designed this camera as an updated rangefinder – complete with an optical viewfinder, helpful for street, wildlife, or sports photography – and everything from the ergonomics to the image output is wonderful.
With exceptional image quality and latitude in your RAW files, you'll never feel like this camera can't handle what you're trying to shoot. It's tactile, portable, and empowering. Not only can you take it anywhere, but you'll actually want to.
Note that you can also shoot 4K video on the X-Pro 2, but without the flat Eterna profile.
If image quality is important to you and you enjoy the 'rangefinder' look and feel, this is the camera for you.
Best Fuji Camera for Travel/Street:
This little itty powerhouse is the tiniest camera in Fuji's interchangeable lens camera lineup.
Sporting a touch screen, EVF, and the X-Trans III sensor, it's a very capable camera. Handling is a bit more gimped than on the larger models – autofocus isn't as customizable, they've downsized the EVF, and entirely removed the D-pad in lieu of the touch screen – but get over that learning curve and you have an impressive feat in portability and power.
If portability is important to you and you're looking for interchangeable lenses, this is the camera for you.
This is a fixed lens camera, but don't scroll away just yet. The Fuji X100F is a transformative tool that thousands of photographers have fallen in love with. Read the full review here.
With the image quality of an X-Pro 2 in a pocketable form factor, it's the ultimate travel/every-day carry companion – or wherever you just need to be discreet. You can read the full review here.
On top of that, you can pick up the TCL or WCL to give your X100F three equivalent focal lengths: 18mm, 35mm, or 50mm.
If portability is your top priority and you don't mind a fixed 35mm focal length, this is the camera for you.
Best Cheap Fuji Camera for Budget:
Say hello to Fuji's most affordable camera!
Instead of Fuji's 24MP X-Trans III sensor, this camera comes packed with a 24MP Bayer sensor. For most, the difference between an X-Pro 2 still and an X-T100 still would be indistinguishable: almost identical ISO performance, dynamic range, sharpness, etc.
But some photographer prefer the traditional Bayer look to Fuji's X-Trans sensor. If you're one of them, the X-T100 couples the delightful ergonomics and professional lens lineup with the sensor technology you know and love from Canon and Nikon.
Autofocus is zippy, the buffer handles fast-paced RAW shooting quite well, and it's got an articulating screen for those selfie moments. What more could you want?
If image quality is important to you and you don't mind the Bayer sensor, this is the camera for you.
Fuji X-Pro 1
The epitome of an 'oldie but goodie'. The X-Pro 1 is built around the dated-yet-cult-favorite X-Trans II processor, praised by many photographers to capture gorgeous and unique feeling images. You can read the full review here.
The 16MP images are stunning, the ISO performance is decent, and the autofocus isn't quite as instant as newer generation cameras, but for the price, the X-Pro 1 remains a top contender for a frugal Fuji shooter.
This camera is sure to become a collectors item, noted by the sky-high 'new' sale price, so take good care of your copy. A smart shopper will pick up a used copy for a fraction of the factory price.
If image quality is important to you and you prefer the X-Trans sensor, this is the camera for you.